The Bay-A Community Church
AUGUST 2024 Newsletter
Ollin Collins, Pastor
John Webster, Minister of Music
Michelle Tucker, Director of Children’s Ministries
Cameron Wormack, Director of Youth Ministries
Address: 20 Runaway Bay Drive, Runaway Bay, TX 76426
Church phone: 940-575-2512
Fax number: 940-488-9934
Facebook: The Bay Community Church Facebook Live:
YouTube-1. Start YouTube, 2. Search for THEBAYCHURCHTX, Click on Subscribe to be notified when live
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Calendar of Events
Weekly Events:
Sunday: 9:00-9:45 Morning devotion and prayer time
Wednesday: Children and Youth 6:30-8:00
Wednesday: Wednesday night Bible Study 6:30-7:30
but not Aug 7 and 14.
August 2024
August 7 and 14-No Children or Youth-time for back to school
August 13-Ladies Book Club cancelled for August
August 14-Bridgeport Schools resume
September 2024
September 8-Communion, Grandparents Day Tea after worship
September 11-Our missionary from Peru, Sherri DeLoach Manya, will be here Wednesday night to tell us about her ministry.
September 12-Ladies Book Club 10:30 Ruth and Bathsheba
October 2024
October 6-Attic Cleanup after worship. Please help. A job for all ages
Oct 10-Ladies Book Club Mary 10:30
October 13-Round Up Sunday
October 26-Trade Day and vendors from 9:00am-12:00pm.
October 26-Fall Festival-Trunk Fest 12pm-2:00pm
Operation Christmas Child
For the month of August, School Supplies
I grew up during the communist regime in Romania. There was a cloud of gloom and sadness in the country. The atmosphere was very cold and unwelcoming. People focused on their jobs and sometimes overlooked their children. My dad worked two jobs and our basic needs were met but my sister and I didn’t usually receive gifts for birthdays and Christmas.
Even though it was forbidden to talk about God, I grew up in a family that loved Jesus and went to church. But I was looked down upon for my faith. At school, I was often ridiculed and bullied-it wasn’t easy for me.
When I was 10 years old, I participated in a Christmas Eve program at church. After the program, the children were surprised with shoebox gifts. I saw so much joy and excitement in the room. I was deeply appreciative of the gift.
We had to wait and open the shoeboxes when we got home. When I opened my shoebox, I saw an explosion of color-plastic jewelry, a new hat, and scarves. My favorite items were school supplies. I received colorful pens, a notebook, and colored pencils. We received a few pencils in school, and they needed to last a long time. So, anything extra, or anything colorful, really meant a lot to me. We were told that the shoeboxes were packed by other Christians. I learned that there are people who love Jesus Christ enough to give special gifts to children they haven’t even met.
I moved to the United States in 2003 and I am now a special education teacher at a high school. Every year I pack shoeboxes with my husband and children. Packing shoeboxes has become a treasured family tradition.
Greeters for July
7/7-Neil and Sue Ostlie
7/14-Cameron Wormack and Ronin Wilson
7/21-Jerry and Darla St John
7/28-Sherrie Peebles and Jeff Partridge
Calendar of Events
Weekly Events:
Sunday: 9:00-9:45 Morning devotion and prayer time
Wednesday: Children and Youth 6:30-8:00
Wednesday: Wednesday night Bible Study resumes July 3 6:30-7:30
July 2024
July 7-Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser (after worship) to pay for Youth Camp. If you have a favorite pasta dish, salad or dessert, please feel free to bring to share. Everyone invited
July 11-Morning Ladies Fellowship Book Club 10:30-12 Tamar and Rahab. Bring a snack to share, if you wish.
July 8-12- Youth camp, Camp Chaparral Iowa Park Tx
July 15-Children to Gainesville waterpark. 12-5pm $12 with lunch provided. Contact Michelle
July 28-Guest soloist, Judy Conger sings in morning worship
August 2024
August 7 and 14-No Children or Youth-time for back to school
August 12-Ladies Book Club. 10:30, Ruth.
September 2024
September 8-Grandparents Day Tea after worship
September 12-Ladies Book Club 10:30 Bathsheba
October 2024
October 6-Attic Cleanup after worship. Please help. A job for all ages
Oct 10-Ladies Book Club Mary 10:30
October 26-Trade Day and vendors from 9:00am-12:00pm.
October 26-Fall Festival-Trunk Fest 12pm-2:00pm Contact Michelle
Operation Christmas Child
For the month of July, buy clothing
A 13-year-old in South Africa desperately needed new clothes. He was so excited to find an outfit just his size in his shoebox gift. Touched by God's provision, his mother accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, and they are attending the church that hosted the Operation Christmas Child outreach event.
In Namibia, Sukie, age 8, had been playing soccer with bare feet until she received a shoebox gift that included shoes just the right size—and perfect for playing soccer. “God is so good,” she said.