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Pastor Collins was born in Fort Worth, grew up in Haltom City and graduated from Fort Worth’s Green B. Trimble Technical High School in 1969.  After graduation, he held the following positions:


§  Baritone for the Searchlighter Quartet, of Denver, Colorado

§  Youth Minister at Northeast Baptist Church in Colleyville

§  Music and Youth Minister at First Baptist Church, Fort Worth

§  Associate Pastor and Minister of Music at Bible Baptist, San Diego, California


He then returned to Texas and entered Howard Payne University, Brownwood, receiving his undergraduate degree in 2½ years.  In 1978 he entered Southwestern Baptist Theological seminary, where he earned his Master’s Degree.


Pastor Collins started the Harvest Church in Fort Worth with 18 members in attendance on the first Sunday.  Under his 21 year leadership the Church grew to over 5,000 members with over 2500 in worship each week.  Under his leadership the Harvest Church purchased 82 acres of land, built five buildings, started an accredited Christian School.  He also started a Child Care Ministry which was the largest licensed child care facility in the state of Texas at the time.  Together the Harvest church ministered to over 800 students each day on campus.  During that time he also had an international TV ministry,

“Here’s Hope”, that aired weekly.


Pastor Collins has served as Vice Moderator and Moderator of the Tarrant Baptist Association Pastor's conference.  He was elected by the Southern Baptist Convention to serve on the Board of Trustees at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.  While on the Board he was elected Vice Chairman of the Presidential Search Committee, Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Trustees.


When Pastor Collins came to Runaway Bay Community Church in April 2008 the average attendance was 30 members.  Under his leadership the Church has grown to over 130 members with an average weekly attendance of over 100.  The inside of the building was remodeled and the auditorium was enlarged in 2010.  The change has come about because of the following:


1.  Bible based teaching

2.  Exciting music

3.  Creative worship

4.  Warm, loving fellowship


The motto of our church is “Growing, By Helping Others to Grow”.  If we can help you and your family to grow in the knowledge of God, He will see to it that our church family will continue to grow numerically.  Our first priority is not numbers, nickels and noses; but rather creating an atmosphere where everyone in attendance, no matter their age, will be able to grow in their spiritual walk with Christ.


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About Us

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Our Beliefs are the foundation for our church.  There are three primary “blocks” to our foundation.  These are Conviction, Salvation and Baptism.  Understanding these three foundation blocks will give you the base values for our Church and it’s congregation.


CONVICTION: (Noun)   An unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence  *

Our unshakable belief is in the bible and it’s authority.  As the word of God, we believe that where the bible differs from our beliefs, we must change.


SALVATION: (Noun) The act of delivering from sin or saving from evil. *

As defined by the Bible, Salvation is a gift given by God, made available through the death of his son, Jesus, who died for our sins. No one enters heaven accept through Him. There is no amount of “good works” that will gain you admission. There is no amount of conviction or purity that will grant you access. We cannot “achieve” salvation because we are all sinners. None of us are “worthy” of this gift – it can only be recieved. And to accept it is to accept God as your Lord and Savior, the ruler of your life.

No sin is too great for salvation. God’s gift is given knowing full well that we are human, and thus flawed, and that we will always sin. But his love for us is greater than our faults. All he asks is that we open our hearts and let Him take control of our lives.


BAPTISM: (Noun) A Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth. *

The Bible tells us that Baptism is the outward showing of our belief that God is the Lord and Commander of our lives and that we have accepted the gift of Salvation. It is the believers chance to witness for Christ and signifies the beginning of their new life – one that believes in God’s grace.


We are all on a spiritual journey – constantly growing and learning in our faith.  And even if we don’t realize it, every step in that journey is according to God’s personal plan for us.  God wants us to be close to him and has offered us an amazing gift that we cannot possibly attain but through his son, Jesus Christ.  And no matter where we are in life, no matter what we’ve done, we are all entitled to his gift.


In a world where rules are constantly changing and priorities are flexible, we endeavor to make God a priority in our life.  Through experienced leaders and willing followers, we are building a strong church community that brings God into our relationships and our families.  And as we grow, we hope to testify to God’s desire to see us succeed and find happiness.

Come grow in your personal relationship with God.  Find comfort in a church body that lives by example and understands that we are all on a personal journey, together.  Learn about the amazing gift that Jesus has made available to everyone and become part of a passionate church family.  Come visit The Bay – a church for the community.

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